Whats even harder to believe than your first born turning 6??? Your baby turning 4!!!! My goodness I am getting old! That saying " if this child had been first, there wouldn't be other one" well its very much true. My pregnancy with Lacie was very easy, just like Camerons, delivery was great, would do that everyday. The first 6 weeks, well they were hard, but easier than what was coming. COLIC!!!! I wasn't sure that Lacie or myself was going to make it through her first few months of life. Will, Gloria, Lacie and myself went to Applebees in Hartsville one night, and she started crying, uncontrollably. Nothing I did would make her happy. I tried it all; feeding, burping, walking, pacifier, riding in the car... you name it, I did it. (haven't been back to that applebees since then) All of that didn't stop until she was 9 or so months old. Every day about 4pm it started, she cried and I cried. Our vacation is the most rememberable.. Wills aunts and cousins come down every year from Mass., I remember Lacie crying and nothing would stop it, she was in swing at end of couch just screaming and I was on couch beside her just crying!! What a vacation..... that went on every night too!! We finally made it through that stage, now she is just a sassy, precious, loving, smart 4 year old, as of June 14th!! She has way more personality and attitude than I ever thought about... I know that is hard to believe... but true, ask anyone. Here are a few pictures of her waiting to see her present and then riding her new Barbie bike! I can't believe my baby is 4! Where does time go????

I could eat up miss sassy britches. Love her too much.
Sounds tough but you survived and look how blessed you are.
Happy Birthday Lacie! LOVE YOU!
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