The first week of August is the annual family vacation week to the beach(aka Hell Week!!) This year was no different. We all packed and piled in for a week of fun in the sun! Diane(Wills mom) and her two sisters, from Massachuetts, stay at William and Diane's beach house( that sleeps 10 people) while the remaining 17 of us spend the week under one roof! Lucky for us, we all get along very well. When I first joined the family there were 4 two year olds in the house, hence the name Hell Week. But things really have gotten better, now there are 4 six year olds, no diapers, no bottles, and no breastfeedings. Now if noone gets pregnant, it will only continue to get better, until teenage years, I guess. The kids actually get along much better, they seem to pair up with one another. Lacie and Hampton were peas and carrotts all week, and Josh and Paul were the best of friends. The others kinda depended on how they felt as to who they paired with. The grown ups just sat back, ate junk and played cards.......Life is good!!

My 2 favorite sis in laws!!
My 2 favorite sis in laws!!
Love it. I need copies of your pictures and the video. HEE HEE
i wanna see this video!!!
thought about stopping by the other day when we went golfing...will have to do one day. i'm still wiping tears from my sappy face, reading gray's post. too hard for me to believe she was once the baby i loved so!
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